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At Priory Rise we follow the National Curriculum. Teachers plan and deliver vibrant creative lessons to ensure that all skills and knowledge required to succeed are taught throughout the school, from our Early Years provision and both Key Stages 1 and 2. We provide a rich, varied and lively curriculum, where children are actively engaged to develop their key skills, acquire a rich vocabulary and promote a depth of knowledge, whilst exploring a wide range of subjects and topics. We strive for our children to thrive and achieve in every aspect of their development.

Learning is organised into exciting 'themes' taught over the two key stages. Each subject within the curriculum is taught specifically to develop key skills and knowledge that build on and deepen previous learning; wherever possible, links are made across the curriculum. Subjects taught include: English, Maths, Science, Design Technology, History, Geography, Religious Education, Physical Education, Music, Personal, Social and Health Education, French (KS2), Computing, Art and our Priory Rise values.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural themes are embedded into all aspects of our rich and diverse curriculum. British Values are recognised and celebrated in daily life – as part of our inherent work on our school values. Every child’s culture is recognised, respected and valued. Equality and diversity is at the heart of our school ethos. Staff ensure that all children are able to access learning at differentiated levels and adapted to the needs of individuals.

Maths and English are taught daily in all year groups. In English, there is a specific emphasis on reading and writing a wide range of genres across the course of the year. Reading is celebrated with quality, potent texts accessed each week to develop a love of reading. Children broadly follow the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonics scheme from Reception and throughout Key Stage One. Writing is taught by sharing and immersing the children in a range of quality texts as excellent models. Teachers skilfully use shared and guided writing opportunities alongside a variety of independent writing tasks. Mathematics themes are carefully ordered to build upon previous knowledge and skills taught. Children are taught how to access arithmetic problems with fluency, alongside developing their reasoning skills.

Our Curriculum lead is Mrs Corinne Benham-Smith - Deputy Headteacher.

For the content of each curriculum subject for each year group, please see the appropriate year group webpage, where specific subject information is shared in the curriculum overview documents.