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Extended Care

We offer a limited number of extended care places, enabling your child to stay 8.50am -3.20pm. There are three ways to pay for these extra sessions. Parents can pay upfront, £21.50 per day (this includes the £5.00 lunchtime supervision cost); we send invoices out a half term in advance, or via Tax Free Credits. Alternatively, families who are eligible for 30 hours funding, currently being offered by the government, may use this funding for all day extended care. To check if you are entitled to 30 hours of government funded childcare, click the link below.

Check & apply for Apply for 30 hours free childcare

Please be aware, if you are successful in gaining the 30 hours funding, you will need to access the government portal to get your unique code. The code needs to be given to the school office. A new code will need to be gained for each subsequent term before the start of the next new term.

Milton Keynes Council website also offers the following guidance:

The Extended Entitlement - 30 hour free childcare

Tax Free Credits

Priory Rise nursery care can be paid for using childcare vouchers. If you are not already part of this government scheme you will not be able to join after September 2018. We also accept Tax Free Credits, the new government initiative.


If your child has an extended place there is small daily charge of £5.00 for lunchtime supervision costs - you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch, or alternatively you can order a school hot lunch which includes a main course and dessert for the cost of £2.25 per day.

If you wish to apply for an extended care place for your child, please complete the following registration form.

Wrap Around Care

Please note, currently, Priory Rise does NOT offer before and after-hours childcare for nursery age children.